0871 Numbers
0871 numbers can generate income for your company.
How many lines do you have? Each minute could be earning you extra income that can be off set against other telephone costs. The 0871 number will divert to your land line number and create a national image. Look at Ryanair and 02, Argos and some of the banks and insurance companies, they all earn more money when you call them.
This number may be one for all your incoming calls or a designated helpline or information line. The caller pays the standard BT national rate charge and you earn a revenue. Connection is free with no line rental.
Look at our rebate prices, each minute a call is made we will pay you a standard 3.75p per minute peak at all times. You start earning straight away there is no minimum monthly call spend. If you are a high volume customer then greater rebates are available.
Complete the Enquiry form or call our freephone number now.